ENGR 100-600 | University of Michigan

Lab Instructions

Here are the instructions for the labs in ENGR 100-600. These instructions are subject to change up as we continually revise the course, so make sure to refresh this page before you start lab each week.

Lab 1: Orientation & Buoyancy


Before Lab
During Lab
After Lab


You will first meet Justin, our lab manager, and become oriented with the lab and watch a short video/presentation on lab safety. After the lab orientation is done, you will move on to the buoyancy experiment described below.

Lab Orientation and Safety Briefing (30 min)

This presentation is very important because it sets the tone for your entire lab experience. We want all of us to have a fun and safe time this semester.

Investigating Buoyancy and Stability (80 min)

You will work in teams of two to construct a marine vessel and determine how much flotation the vessel needs to make it nearly-neutrally buoyant (an ideal condition for your future ROV). Your marine vessel is a roughly-cube-shaped frame of PVC, as shown in Fig.

The roughly-cube-shaped marine vessel you will build in this lab.
(Left) Perspective view. (Right) Top-down view.

The vessel carries a payload, shown in Fig.

The payload carried by the marine vessel.

Follow these instructions to investigate how to balance weight and buoyancy in a marine vessel:

  1. You have 8 corner joints (also known as a three-way joint) and 12 straight sections of PVC pipe, along with a mesh pouch and some zip ties
  2. Assemble your vessel so it looks like the sample marine vessel shown in ; your vessel may be shorter or taller than the vessel pictured here
  3. Talk with your partner and determine where you want to attach the payload (refer back to the hydrostatics videos if needed)
  4. Attach the payload to the vessel using zip-ties
  5. Weigh your vessel and payload; record this weight
  6. Determine the total underwater volume, $\nabla_{max}$, needed for the vessel to be neutrally buoyant (refer back to the section on buoyancy)
  7. Estimate how many ping pong balls are needed to get close to this volume. Take no more than 90 seconds on this! It's just a fast estimate; you'll revise this number based on experiential data shortly.
  8. Put this many ping pong balls into the mesh carrier provided
  9. Attach the mesh carrier to the vessel using zip-ties; refer back to the hydrostatics videos for guidance on the best place to attach your ping pong balls
  10. Put the vessel into a tank of water and note whether it floats to the water surface (too much buoyancy), sinks to the bottom (not enough buoyancy), or "hovers" somewhere in the water column (nearly neutrally buoyant)
    1. If there is too much buoyancy, remove one ping pong ball, put the vessel back into the water, and note what happens
    2. If there is not enough buoyancy, add one ping pong ball, put the vessel back into the water, and note what happens
  11. Repeat Step 10 until you reach a point where your marine vessel's buoyancy needs to change in a smaller amount than a single ping pong ball in order to achieve near neutrality for buoyancy.
  12. Brainstorm with your partner ways you could have adjustable buoyancy and/or make small changes to the buoyancy of your future ROV; record these ideas
  13. Remove your vessel and re-weigh the vessel including the mesh bag and ping pong balls
  14. Record this weight, the number of ping pong balls used, and whether you ended your experiment with your vessel floating or sinking

This experiment is preparation for how you will make your ROV nearly neutrally buoyant. Keep track of your notes for this lab so that you can complete the questions in the Lab 1 assignment.

Lab 2: Controls


Before Lab
During Lab
After Lab


In this lab, you will explore how your ROV will be controlled. We’ll start with a soldering demo first, so that everyone can see how soldering is done and have a chance to ask questions. Then we’ll look at a simply constructed demo ROV, and you will construct a basic control circuit to gain some experience with our equipment. After the soldering demo, you and your labmates will be split into two different groups. One group will start with the ROV demo and move to the control circuit exercise. The other group will start with the control circuit exercise and move to the ROV demo.

The ROV payload system is shown in Fig. The payload itself is the clear plastic cylinder with the electronics inside. A yellow, neutrally buoyant tether connects the payload to a blue and yellow float with black antennas at the top. This float stays at the surface of the water to transmit and receive wireless signals from your control box. Your control box will have buttons and/or switches (seen in the lower right of this picture) that are wired into a breadboard/Arduino circuit board system. The Arduino has its own antenna with which it transmits and receives data from the float.

The ROV payload system you will be working with this semester.

The control circuit exercise will provide you with an opportunity to familiarize yourself with some of the skills required to build your control console, such as soldering, and it will provide you with an introduction to how the control system works. You will solder wires onto two push button switches and one toggle switch and connect those switches into a breadboard (prototyping circuit board) connected to an Arduino and an nRF24L01 transceiver (here’s a link about wireless communication with nRF24L01 transceivers if you want to learn more). You will demonstrate the operation of a radio link that transmits switch position information to a receiving ROV payload, lighting up LEDs and operating a thruster.

Reminder from the Before Lab Checklist! You must read the section on the ROV’s Control System before you come to lab so that you are familiar with the components and terminology that you will be using in today’s lab.

Soldering Demo (10 minutes)

Justin will demonstrate how to solder wires to one of the buttons that we use in the ROV project. You will be soldering in this lab, so pay attention to what he does and make sure to ask questions!

ROV Demo (30 minutes)

Justin or your IA will show you a demo ROV. Observe the following things about this ROV and ask questions about:

Keep track of your notes to these questions!

Next, your group will move to the test tank so that you can each drive the demo ROV around for 2-3 minutes. Use this time to observe the following about the ROV:

Keep track of your notes to these questions!

Basic Control Circuit (70 minutes)

You will work in teams of 2 to construct and test the two switch options you will have available for the ROV project. One is a simple toggle button (recall this is a single-pole-single-throw switch) that turns the circuit either “on” or “off”. The second is a single-pole-double-throw toggle switch. The toggle switches are small; use a small vise to hold them securely. A switch “terminal” or “lug” is the little post that sticks out of the bottom of the switch; you attach wires to the terminals to create a circuit.

Once you have one switch and two buttons completed, you will connect the switch and buttons to a breadboard, and then connect the breadboard to the Arduino circuit board. You will then use a nRF24L01 transceiver to wirelessly transmit to an ROV payload to verify that your circuit is complete and functioning correctly. A completed basic control circuit with the ROV payload is shown in Fig. You can use this figure to help guide you through this exercise, but stop and ask Justin or your IA questions whenever you are unsure of what to do! This lab is all about learning as you go! 😊

The basic control circuit that you will create today in lab.

The BreadBoard

Recall from the section on the ROV’s Control System that breadboards (also shown in Fig alongside an Arduino board) are simple tools used in circuit prototyping that allows you to quickly and easily change your circuit without the need for soldering.

A breadboard (above) next to an Arduino board (below).

For the ROV project, you will be given a circuit board that acts identically to the breadboard that your control circuits will be soldered to. This is your opportunity to experiment with the breadboard and understand how it works. Your IA and Justin will give an overview of the breadboard in the lab.

Take some time to experiment with an ohm-meter and discover where continuity lies within the board. To do so, turn the meter to the ohm position (Fig) and press the select button until a sound icon appears on the screen.

A multimeter set to the continuity setting.

When the leads make contact you should hear an audible sound. Additionally, use several of the supplied jump wires to test out various configurations on the bread board and discover how to get continuity between circuits (Fig).

Using jumper cables to determine what cells have continuity on the breadboard.

If the previous sentences make no sense to you, that’s okay! Ask lots of questions in lab, and Justin and your IA will explain everything.

Soldering Tips for Switches

Before you start wiring up the switch and button, review these tips for soldering:

How to loop one wire through a lug.

Part A: Soldering Leads to Switches

  1. Obtain two push button switches and one toggle switch from the lab supplies.
  2. Obtain a length of solder from the lab supplies.
  3. Make sure the sponge in your soldering station is wet -- if not re-wet it in the sink.
  4. Turn your soldering station on to approximately 625$^{\circ}$F.
  5. When the green light blinks, the iron is ready to use. Clean the tip quickly on the wet sponge and apply some solder to the tip. Stow the iron in the holder with solder on the tip till you are ready to use it.
  6. Cut four approximately 8" lengths of 22 gauge solid core wire.
  7. Cut three approximately 7" lengths of 22 gauge solid core wire of a different color.
  8. Strip 1/2" of the insulation off one end of each wire, strip 1/4" of insulation off the other ends.
  9. Turn a 1/8" loop on the 1/4" stripped ends as shown in .
    Making loops on wire ends.
  10. Place one of the switches in the vise at your workstation with the contacts up (don't over-tighten the vise on the switch!).
  11. Take one of the 8" wires and hook the loop through either of the lugs on a push button switch, or through the center lug if you start with a toggle switch. Use small needle-nose pliers to crimp the wire loop down on the lug so it holds snug on the lug. STOP: At this point have your instructor check your progress. If they say you are ready, solder the connection. When you are done, you should have a lead soldered to your switch as shown in .
    Push button with one lead soldered to a lug.
  12. Take one (or two) of the shorter wires and repeat the procedure on the remaining lugs of the switch.
  13. Your lab partner should now solder the wires onto the second switch in the same manner.
  14. Either you or your lab partner should then solder the wires onto the third switch in the same manner. If one of you has less experience with soldering, then now is your chance to practice some more!
  15. Check to see that your buttons and switch looks similar to the finished switch shown in .
    Switch with all leads soldered.

Part B: Wiring the Arduino

  1. Using either the sample on the display table OR the picture of the completed Arduino and breadboard shown in OR the wiring guide shown in OR the schematic shown in (if you have more electronics experience) as a guide, make the connections on the Arduino and breadboard. The jumpers will insert into the holes of the breadboard and/or the headers on the Arduino.
    1. NOTE -- both the breadboard and the Arduino may be mounted on your unit base in either direction. If yours does not match the sample or the figure you will have to figure out how to wire it in the orientation it happens to be in.

ASK QUESTIONS if you are interested in understanding more about the circuit!

Picture of the completed Arduino and breadboard.
Arduino wiring guide.
Electronic schematic of test setup. Here's a .pdf version of the schematic.

When you are all done, your test circuit should look like what is shown in Fig.

Picture of the completed basic control circuit.

Part C: Testing the Circuit

  1. When you think your Arduino is ready to be tested, bring it to the instructor and have the control program loaded into it.
  2. Connect a 7.2V battery to your board.
  3. Operate your push-buttons and toggle switch and verify that the ROV payload responds correctly through the radio link (see Fig for the buttons and Fig for the toggle).
Completed Arduino linked to ROV payload. The completed, wired Arduino with transceiver is in front, and the ROV payload is in back. The picture on the left shows how pressing one of the buttons lights up a green LED inside the payload; the green LED corresponds to a thruster set to "on" in the forwards direction. The picture on the right shows how pressing the other button lights up a red LED inside the payload; the red LED corresponds to a thruster set to "off" in the backwards direction.
Completed Arduino linked to ROV payload. The completed, wired Arduino with transceiver is in front, and the ROV payload is in back. The picture on the left shows how pressing the switch in one direction lights up a green LED inside the payload; the green LED corresponds to a thruster set to "on" in the forwards direction. The picture on the right shows how pressing the switch in the other direction lights up a red LED inside the payload; the red LED corresponds to a thruster set to "off" in the backwards direction.

Part D: Cleanup

  1. Unwire your Arduino and leave it at your workstation.
  2. Discard cut wire.
  3. Clean up wire stripping residue.
  4. Make sure your soldering station is shut down.
  5. If you have done a good job soldering your switches and the leads are long enough, keep them for possible use on your ROV controller.

Lab 3: Hydrodynamics


Before Lab
During Lab
After Lab


This lab will give you hands-on experience with some hydrodynamics concepts. Remember that hydrodynamics is a very complex area of knowledge, and we do not expect you to understand and document the math behind these experiments! But you should be able to describe at a high-level how these general hydrodynamics concepts informed your design decisions later on in the ROV project.

There are three different experiments you will do today:

  1. Drop tests to understand how an object’s shape and orientation affects how it moves through water
  2. ROV thruster moment balancing to understand how the placement of your thrusters will impact how your ROV will move through the water
  3. Calibration of a load cell to understand how you will be able to measure the thrust of your ROV’s thrusters

We will be rotating groups around the lab to get all these experiments done, so listen to your IA as they tell you which experiment to start with.

Take good, organized notes on everything. You will need those notes to answer questions on the assignment for this lab!

Drop Tests (40 min)

A drop test is when you drop an object through a fluid and observe how it moves. We have four different underwater vessels for you to perform drop tests on. For each vessel:

  1. Attach ping pong balls in different spots (including at CG)
  2. Take a picture of the vessel and add picture to your notes; note orientation of frame, ping pong balls, surfaces
  3. Predict what will happen before you drop the vessel
  4. Drop vessel in tall tanks
  5. Record time to drop
  6. Note stability:
    1. Does it tumble?
    2. Does it rotate?
    3. Does it veer sideways?
    4. Does it drop straight?

ROV Thruster Moment Balancing (40 minutes)

Your ROV has the ability to use up to four thrusters. During the lab, you will be called over by your IA to perform the following experiments using the demo ROV:

  1. Determine where to mount two of the thrusters such that the ROV does not pitch up or down when it travels forward
  2. Measure and then compare the rates of yaw when the side thrusters are inside the frame vs. when they are outside the frame
  3. Compare the vertical maneuverability of the ROV when the ROV can move purely in heave vs. when the ROV must pitch upwards/downwards to move vertically
  4. Measure and compare the rate of vertical ascent and descent with the vertical thruster pointing up vs. when it is pointing down

Take notes on these experiments. You will need them to answer questions on the assignment for this lab and to refer back to when designing your own ROV.

Calibration of the Load Cell (30 min)

When the ROV project starts in earnest, you will learn how to measure the thrust produced by a thruster. To measure the thrust, you use something called a load cell. A load cell is a transducer that converts a force to a voltage. This lab will get you experience working with a load cell by calibrating a beam-type load cell. These load cells have a built-in amplifier, so the output is in the range of 0.5-9.0 V. A multimeter is a device that is capable of measuring voltage, current, or resistance (hence the multi- in its name). We will be using multimeters to measure the voltage output from the load cell, so they will be acting as voltmeters. Fig shows the setup you will create to calibrate the load cell.

The setup for the load cell calibration lab exercise.

Please note that the load cells are 25 lb. load transducers and they should not be overloaded!

Calibrating the load cell involves figuring out what voltage means in terms of mass (and hence force).

  1. Make sure everything is disconnected.
  2. Remove any weights that may be hanging from the wire attached to the load cell
  3. We will use Virtual Bench to power the load cell and read its output.
  4. Connect the black wire and braided wire to the ground lug of the +25V supply and the red (power) wire to the +25V lug. TODO
  5. Connect the green and white wires to the DVM (voltmeter) input of the virtual bench TODO
  6. Set the power supply to 12 Volts, 0.5 Amps in the Virtual Bench software suite TODO
  7. Read the load cell output on the Virtual Bench voltmeter TODO
  8. Record what voltage the multimeter shows. This will be the offset in your calibration.
  9. Add the 50 g mass
  10. Record the total mass
  11. Record the voltage output of the transducer
  12. Add a 20 g mass
  13. Record the total mass
  14. Convert mass to kilograms and multiply the total mass by gravity (9.8 m/sec$^2$) to get a force
  15. Record the voltage output of the transducer
  16. Repeat Steps 12—15 until there is 250 g of mass hanging from the load cell
  17. Borrow additional full 250 g sets of weights from your labmates to get data points at 500 g, 750 g, and 1000 g
  18. Redo a couple of points (your choice) in decreasing mass order to check for error
  19. Remove all the weight from the wire
  20. Turn off the power supply

Create the Calibration Graph

Now, make a nicely-formatted graph with your calibration data. There are many ways to do this; the imporant part is to make sure you have all the pieces of a calibration graph:

Why is force plotted on the y-axis when that’s the quantity that is the independent variable?

Great question! You may have been taught to always put the independent variable on the x-axis. We’re here to tell you: you don’t have to do that if that’s not the best way to present your data!

The point of creating a calibration graph is to get to the calibration equation (the line fit). Eventually, you will be measuring voltage and wanting to calculate force. That means that you want an equation that is formatted with voltage being the “independent variable” and force being the “dependent variable”. So, it makes sense to create the calibration graph with force on the y-axis and voltage on the x-axis so that you get the most useful equation at the end.

Here is an example of making a calibration graph using MATLAB; you can adapt this approach to use the data that you just gathered. If you do not want to use MATLAB, you can use something else (spreadsheet or other plotting program), but make sure to do the same steps so that you create a useful engineering graphic.

First, save your calibration data to an .xlsx file, like this:

mass (g) voltage(mV) Notes
0 25.6 <-- offset voltage
50 55.6
70 67.4
90 81.0
110 90.7
130 101.9
150 114.5
170 124.1
190 138.4
210 147.3
230 159.8
250 171.7
500 310.6
750 453.1
1000 595.9
230 160.9 repeated data points to check for random error
70 66.3
190 137.6

Next, create a MATLAB script that does the following:

  1. Import your data to MATLAB using the readtable function.
  2. Pull out the vectors of mass and voltage
  3. Calculate a parallel vector to be the corresponding force (watch your units!)
  4. Create a scatter plot of force vs. voltage, with voltage on the x-axis
  5. Add a linear trend line to the data and display the equation for the trend line
  6. Annotate and improve the graph:
    • Add x-axis and y-axis labels
    • Increase the font size for everything so it is readable
    • Add grid lines
    • Increase the size of the data points so that it is easier to see the individual points
    • Increase the thickness of the trend line so that it is easier to see
    • Add a trend line and display the equation
    • Lots of other things to make this be a good graph!

This MakeCalibrationGraph.m script implements these steps for the sample data set shown above:

close all

% read in the data
data = readtable("calibration_data.xlsx");

% pull out the mass (g)
mass_data = data{:,1}; % use curly braces to get the numerical values

% pull out the voltage (mV)
voltage_data = data{:,2}; % use curly braces to get the numerical values

% calculate the force (N), don't forget to convert from grams to kg!
force_data = mass_data .* 9.81 ./ 1000;

% make a scatter plot of the force vs. voltage
s = scatter(voltage_data,force_data);
s.SizeData = 70;
s.LineWidth = 3;
s.MarkerEdgeColor = "#0072BD"; % this is the pretty blue that MATLAB uses
s.Marker = "o";

% create a linear trend line
p = polyfit(voltage_data,force_data,1); % this gets the coefficients 
lineFit_xValues = [0 1000];
lineFit_yValues = polyval(p,lineFit_xValues); % this makes data points to plot.

% add the linear trend line to the plot
hold on;
linefit = plot(lineFit_xValues,lineFit_yValues);
linefit.LineWidth = 3; 
linefit.Color = "#0072BD";

% add the equation for the line fit to the plot
xCoordCaption = 50;
yCoordCaption = 9;
caption = sprintf('y = %f * x + %f', p(1), p(2));
text(xCoordCaption, yCoordCaption, caption, 'FontSize', 16, ...
    'Color', '#0072BD', 'FontWeight', 'bold','BackgroundColor','white');

% add arrow from equation to line
xa = [.4 .5]; % these are not coordinates, these are the positions across the whole graph
ya = [.68 .55]; % these are not coordinates, these are the positions across the whole graph
ar = annotation('arrow',xa,ya);
ar.Color = '#0072BD';
ar.LineWidth = 2;
ar.HeadWidth = 20;
ar.HeadLength = 20;

hold off;

% Improve the graph so it is easier to read and understand
grid on;
ax = gca;
ax.LineWidth = 2;
ax.FontSize = 16;
xlabel('voltage (mV)');
ylabel('force (N)');
ax.XLim = [0 800];
ax.YLim = [0 12];

% Save the plot to a .png file

To see this work, download the calibration_data.xlsx and the MakeCalibrationGraph.m files and put them in the same folder on your computer. Open MATLAB and set the current folder to be the folder that has these two files in it. Then, run the MATLAB script by typing the name of the script in the Command Window:

>> MakeCalibrationGraph

The script will create this sample calibration graph and save it as sampleCalibrationGraph.png:

The sampleCalibrationGraph.png file created by the MakeCalibrationGraph.m MATLAB script.

Even if you have taken ENGR 101 and have some experience with MATLAB, we do not expect you to be able to write a MATLAB script like this on your own. This script has some stuff in it that isn’t even covered in ENGR 101. However, we’re confident that you are able to download this file, open it in MATLAB, and run the script to create a plot. Then, you can change the program slightly to work with whatever you need to plot in the future. Most of the MATLAB lines of code are somewhat self-explanatory, and you can figure out what they do by changing numbers or variables and seeing how the plot changes.

The benefit of using something like this MATLAB script to do your plotting is that you can reuse all the code that makes all of the improvements to the graph, such as line widths and font sizes, rather than having to “point and click” a million times to get a default graph in a spreadsheet to look better. However, it truly is up to you how you want to go about making good graphs!

You will need to record your actual data measurements in a new .xlsx file and then change the MATLAB script to read in that .xslx file instead of the sample version.

Whether you use MATLAB or another program, create the calibration graph for the load cell and save it as a .png file named LoadCellCalibrationGraph.png. You will turn in this file as part of the post-lab assignment.

Lab 4: 3D Modeling


Before Lab
During Lab
After Lab


During the course of this lab, you will create a box like frame with a Payload for an ROV (Fig) to practice creating a 3D model with the SolidWorks CAD program.

You will make this 3D model in lab today!

You will learn how to mate pieces together to make an assembly. Once complete, save renderings of this model as directed for the post-lab assignment. Then proceed to making your own conceptual design for next week’s lab.

If/when you get stuck during this tutorial, PLEASE ask your IA for help!

Launch & Start SolidWorks

  1. Start CAEN Computer and login using your uniqname and password. Note some monitors in the lab may have several different computers attached to them for different purposes. If your computer does not behave properly on startup, let your IA know
  2. A Google Chrome window will appear upon login with a library of programs that Michigan Engineering Students have access to. If you don’t see it, there should be a shortcut on the desktop called CAEN software leading to appsanywhere.engin.umich.edu
  3. Search for SolidWorks in the search box of this page
  4. Select the SolidWorks 2024 Student Instructional Version: Red Cube with a S W and Blue I
  5. Then select the blue Launch button
  6. The Cloudpaging Player window should open up (it might be in the background)
  7. Wait for SolidWorks to initialize fully until the status shows Ready
  8. Once Ready appears, you can select Solidworks and then the Green Launch button – this will start Solidworks
  9. Accept the License Agreement if prompted
  10. Solidworks should now fully display on your computer with a gray background and its logo

AppsAnywhere is a very exciting tool that the university offers. You can get unlimited access, both at a CAEN lab, and at home through VMWare, to thousands and thousands of dollars’ worth of expensive software. This is the same process to access any of those. In your free time, explore what tools and software licenses there are available for you, so that you know that you can use those tools when the time comes.

Create a PVC Pipe

SolidWorks, and many other 3D modeling software, work by taking 2-dimensional drawings and extruding them, revolving them, or otherwise bringing them into the 3rd dimension. We will go through that process now.

  1. In SolidWorks, create a new part by clicking on the part icon
  2. Verify that your units are set to IPS (inch, pound, second), and click OK
  3. Save (ctrl + S) the file; use a good descriptive filename of your choice. Save the file periodically throughout the process. We recommend creating a folder somewhere to keep all your 3D printing documents for this class in particular, because you may choose to go down a route that requires more printing in the future
  4. Select Front Plane on left-hand menu (this is called the feature tree)
  5. Create a new sketch from the the horizontal toolbar at the top of the screen. This toolbar is called the tool ribbon. Go to the sketch tab and click sketch
  6. Choose the Circle sketch tool. Click the origin (where the red axes intersect at a right angle) to begin drawing a circle. Click anywhere to complete the circle. The size of the circle is not relevant
  7. Draw another circle, again centered at the origin.
  8. Click Smart Dimension from the ribbon. Click on the outer circle, then click in empty space. Type in 0.84 and hit enter. Note, that since we set our units to IPS, this dimension is in inches.
  9. We can not only dimension a shape in absolute terms, but we can also dimension a shape in reference to another. Click on the outer circle, then the inner circle, and type in 0.12. Now, regardless of the diameter of the outer circle, we’ll have a pipe with a thickness of 0.12.
  10. Hit escape to exit the sketch.
  11. Go to the Features tab in the tool ribbon and select Extruded Boss/Base
  12. The left-hand menu which will have switched to “Boss-Extrude.” Change the D1 dimension to 11.5-inch. Click the Green Check Mark to finish the dimension change
  13. Hit the F key on your keyboard to “fit” the cylinder onto the screen. Try out the following techniques to move the model around:
    • Use the scroll wheel to zoom
    • Hold shift and the scroll wheel and move the mouse up and down to zoom with respect to the center of the screen
    • Hit the space bar and select a face to go a particular view (front, top, left, isometrics, etc)
    • Use the arrow keys to rotate the model
    • Press the scroll wheel and drag the mouse to rotate the model
    • Hold alt and the scroll wheel and drag the mouse to roll the model (rotates in 2D)
    • Hold ctrl and the scroll wheel and drag the mouse to pan the view
  14. Select the Top Plane from the Feature Tree and create a new sketch
  15. Create a circle anywhere and of any size.
  16. Use smart dimension and dimension the circle to 0.266in.
  17. Hold down ctrl and click the centerpoint of the circle (not the actual circle itself) and select the origin as well. Release ctrl. There will be a new menu on the left with a section called relations. Select Vertical.
  18. Using smart dimension, click on the circle you made and then click on the bottom of the pipe. Then type in 2.5 and hit enter.
  19. Exit smart dimension tool with esc.
  20. Next, select Extruded Cut under the Features tab in the tool ribbon
  21. On the left-hand menu, select Through All-Both under Direction 1. Click the green check mark. There should now be a hole all the way through the pipe
  22. Select Cut-Extrude 1 from the feature tree. Then click linear pattern in the tool ribbon under the features tab
  23. Click the box under Direction 1 and then click on the pipe.
  24. Select the Spacing and Iterations option under Dimension 1. Type 1” in the spacing box and 8 in the instances box. You should see a series of yellow circles. If they are not over the pipe, click the double arrow box right below Dimension 1 to change the direction of the linear pattern. Click the green check mark
  25. Right click on Material <not specified> in the feature manager. Click edit material. Search for PVC Rigid. Your pipe should now look white
  26. Save (ctrl + S)

Congratulations! You have just made your first CAD part for the ROV frame. The rest of the parts for this exercise are located in the ROV SolidWorks Parts Library linked on the course website.

Creating the ROV Box Frame Assembly

The bottom part of a simple box frame is assembled in a file that we provide to you. Your task is to complete the frame and add the Payload by using parts given in the Parts Library.

Tip! Use the F key to reset your zoom and the Arrow keys to rotate and size your model as needed during the exercise. You can also zoom using the scroll wheel and rotate the model by clicking and dragging with the scroll wheel.

Download the Parts Library

  1. Now go back to Chrome and go to the course website
  2. Scroll down to the The ROV Project section and click on the SolidWorks Parts Library card
  3. Download the SolidWorks files from within the parts library folder and place them in your Documents folder, or wherever you are putting your ENGR 100-600 files. Note: if it downloads as a .zip file you need to extract the files before you can use them
  4. Go back to SolidWorks: Hover over the SolidWorks icon at the top left. A toolbar should appear. Go to File, then folder icon with a green arrow, called Open
  5. Navigate to your Documents Folder and the Parts Library you downloaded from the Google Drive
  6. Within the Parts Library, select the file LAB-Frame-Base to open the partially complete frame assembly.
  7. If the file opens but cannot locate the parts, click Browse for file and locate the part in parts library. If it asks you to rebuild the file, click yes. Should it give you errors, let your IA know.

Adding the vertical PVC pieces

  1. Select Insert Components from the top left tool bar under the Assembly tab
  2. Browse to the given Parts Library for this lab (should be in your documents folder where you saved it earlier)
  3. Select PVC .5x5-inch and place it in the workspace by clicking in the design area next to the model
  4. Choose Mate from the top left tool bar

    Note: There are 5 different types of standard “mates” or ways to lock pieces together in Solidworks: TODO

    An “attachment,” “glue,” “bond,” or however you imagine the invisible force connecting two pieces together in 3D modeling is made up of one or more mates. However, it is best to think of a mate as a type of restriction or limitation on how two objects act in relation to each other. The names of the standard mates are logical, but how to use them can be a bit unintuitive. A part being assembled will have a series of limitations, or mates, that will define the location and orientation of that part in relation to other parts.

    • Coincident limits two things to the same plane
    • Parallel limits two things to parallel axes
    • Perpendicular limits two things to axes at right angles from each other
    • Tangent limits two things to connecting on the plane tangent to one object’s surface
    • Concentric limits two things to existing along the same axis
    • Lock means an object is immovable in both location and orientation
    • Mate Alignment allows for an object to be flipped in orientation while defining a mate

    When you make a mate, the second object you select will move to match the mate requirement with respect to the first object’s original position, keeping the first object stationary.

    Oftentimes, if not careful, you can overdefine an object. This is when you provide too much information about a dimension, at which point, some things may become contradictory. If you get a window offering to have you overdefine something, or break mates to satisfy the newest mate, figure out what is wrong or ask your IA.

    For more information please reference: the introduction video on Standard Mates and the SolidWorks help center.

    We will be forming mates with the PVC ends not entering the PVC joints; therefore the distance between two joints is the length of the PVC pipe in the model. This could be talked about as a source of error in later reports/discussions. To calculate the actual length of pipe you need to cut, add 0.75-inch for each joint the pipe is in.

  5. We want to attach the 5-inch piece vertically on top of a tri-corner connector. In order to make this attachment, we need to define two mates. First, select the outer rim surface of the 5-inch pipe. It should glow as an orange circle when you hover over it and turn blue when you click on it. TODO
  6. Next, select the outer rim surface of the tri-corner. Solidworks will usually automatically move your 5-inch piece and assume a Coincident mate, but double check that on the lefthand control box Coincident is selected.
  7. Use the Mate alignment to flip the 5-inch PVC piece if necessary
  8. Right-click, or select the green check mark to form the mate
  9. Now that the pipe is aligned with the surface to which it will be attached, we need to center the pipe in the hole using the Concentric mate.
  10. Select the outer edge of the 5-inch PVC (might have to rotate) and the outer edge of the tri-corner, while still in the mate command window (if you do not see the standard mates list on the left, click Mate from the top tool bar to re-open the command window)
  11. Make sure that the Concentric mate is selected on the left command window
  12. Right-click, or select the green check mark to form the mate
  13. You have now limited the axis and the planar surface on which the 5-inch PVC can exist on. The only non-limited part of the piece is that is can still currently rotate, which is fine!
  14. Repeat steps 1-13, three more times to finish adding the vertical 5-inch PVC pieces for forming the box frame
  15. Save (ctrl + S). If you get a dialogue box asking to overwrite the file, click SAVE.
  16. Select Insert Components from the top left tool bar
  17. Navigate to the given Parts Library for this lab
  18. Select PVC tri-corner and place it in the workspace by clicking in the design area next to the model
  19. Like before, we need to use two mates to attach these corners to the vertical PVC pipes
  20. Make a Concentric mate between the inner tri-corner edge and the 5 in PVC piece’s outer edge

    Tip! Remember to use the Mate alignment feature to flip alignment as necessary.

  21. Next make a Coincident mate between the tri-corner’s outer rim surface and the 5-inch PVC piece’s outer rim surface

    Note: You should now be seeing a pattern of how to assemble PVC components together in Solidworks using two types of mates: Concentric & Coincident

  22. Repeat steps 16-21, three more times to make all the top corners

    Note: Rotational orientation of the top tri-corners does not matter at this point, because we are able to define the rotational orientation by placing PVC pipe in between all four of the top tri-corners.

  23. Now that you have some intuition as to mate objects, insert two 11.5-inch PVC pieces and mate them between the corners. Think about what type of mates you need and then what to select to make the mates. Look back at previous steps and if you are stuck – ask for help!

  24. Add two 3.5-inch PVC pieces and mate them into the assembly to finish the box frame

  25. Save (ctrl + S).

Adding the Payload

This is a more difficult mating process, but the concepts are the same!

  1. Insert the Payload part from the parts library; it is already pre-drilled with holes that align with the 11.5-inch PVC pipe in the base of the box frame. It’s ok if the payload is not oriented properly. The mating process will fix this.
  2. Line up the holes in the flanges of the payload with the holes in the 11.5-inch pipe. Use two concentric mates between the inner surface of the holes in the Payload and and the inner surface of one hole on each pipe. Note, we haven’t locked its vertical location in the payload yet. Refer to Fig to ensure you have the Payload oriented correctly. You may have to change the mate orientation, depending on the pair of holes you choose.
  3. After you have the holes lined up, mate the one flat of the can to the 11.5-inch pipes. You might consider using a Tangent mate
  4. Repeat Steps 1 – 4 with the battery payload
  5. Save (ctrl + S).
  6. Insert one Bolts
  7. Mate this bolt with the proper hole that aligns with the Payload by using a Concentric mate, such that the head is on the inside of the frame, using the flip alignment button if necessary
  8. Make the top of the bolt flush with the Payload by using Coincident mate between the flat underside of the head of the bolt and the flat wing of the Payload that has the holes drilled into it
  9. Insert a Wingnut piece
  10. Mate the Wingnut with the bolt by using a Concentric mate and with the payload by using a Coincident mate
  11. Select the Wingnut you just mated and right click. On the dropdown menu, select Copy with mates
  12. Select the bolt. Once both the bolt and the wingnut are selected, hit the right arrow in the circle (next) to move to the part that will match the bolt’s and nut’s existing mates with the ones we want to copy it to.
  13. Determine which mate on the original bolt/nut corresponds to the mate where we will copy the bolt/nut to, and select each accordingly. You may have to use the flip alignment button.
  14. Do step 13 six more times. You will not need to exit the Copy with mates window—it will automatically move you onto the next one. Once you’ve made all seven, click the red × next to the checkmark to exit the copy with mates window.
  15. Make the wingnuts flush with the PVC by using Tangent mates between the pipe’s outer cylindrical surface and the flat base of the wingnut
  16. Save (ctrl + S).

Note: This design is not suitable for your actual ROV because the Payload falls outside of the frame! You will also need to add other features (e.g. thrusters, camera, buoyancy, ballast, etc.) for your final design.

Well Done! You now have a solid intro to SolidWorks for assembling your ROV models. However, the real power of SolidWorks and CAD modeling software in general is in being able to run analyses on your model. For this class, Center of Gravity and Center of Buoyancy are very important things you can calculate via Solidworks.

Examining Center of Gravity and Center of Buoyancy

The individual pieces have material properties already applied. SolidWorks can calculate the Center of Gravity automatically from these properties. The Center of Buoyancy can be found by making every object have equivalent density. This is an important concept… think about how this is true!

  1. Go up to the lower of the two upper horizontal tool bars. Select Evaluate, next to Sketch
  2. The horizontal ribbon above this tool bar will change and now select Mass Properties
  3. Solidworks has made all the calculations for you! Record the center of mass (it is your Center of Gravity)
  4. To calculate Center of Buoyancy, we need to save a copy of the file.
  5. Go to Save As in the drop-down menu next to the save button
  6. Re-name the file to your original filename and denote this as the Center of Buoyancy copy (e.g. filename_COB)
  7. Under the filename, change the Save as type from Assembly to Part (.sldprt)
  8. Now select Save
  9. Now open the file you just saved; it will not automatically open
  10. If a feature recognition text box appears, you can ignore it as you want the object to stay as one piece.
  11. Change the units to IPS (tools > options > document properties > units)
  12. Now on the left-hand toolbox, immediately above the planes is the Material button, right-click on it
  13. After right-clicking on it, choose Edit Material
  14. Select any material of your fancy
  15. Repeat steps 1-3 to Calculate Center of Buoyancy by taking the readings of Center of Mass (And think about why taking the Center of Mass of this object be the same as finding the Center of Buoyancy of the assembly, the original version of the ROV with all the correct materials for the parts.)
  16. Select any other material of your fancy
  17. Repeat steps 1-3 to Calculate Center of Buoyancy by taking the readings of Center of Mass
  18. These two readings should be the same! Why?

Taking Screenshots of Different Views

Tip! In SolidWorks right-click in the free space of the model and drag your mouse up, down, left, right in order to change views of the model.

Use the Windows Snipping Tool (⊞ WIN + shift + S) to take a screen clipping of the following views:

Save these images of your sample ROV with these filenames so that you can upload them in the post-lab assignment:

POST-LAB: Creating an ROV concept vessel

You will now practice these SolidWorks skills by creating a “concept vessel”. This concept vessel has nothing to do with the ROV that you are going to build in this course other than as a mechanism to practice 3D modeling and to learn about some construction techniques in the next lab.

Your ROV concept vessel has the following design constraints:

Make your concept vessel in SolidWorks using the ROV parts library and the skills you gained in this lab. Take screenshots (just like you did with the ROV you made in lab) and create a parts list that includes the types and number of joints and the number and lengths of pipes. Also note the overall dimensions of your concept vessel (length, width, height).

Lab 5: Preliminary Design Review & Construction Techniques


Before Lab
  • in the ROV Background Information document
During Lab
After Lab


In this lab, you will learn how to work with the basic construction materials for your ROV project. These materials are Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) equipment. There are pros and cons to working with COTS equipment: they are readily available and relatively inexpensive, however you are limited by what shapes, colors, and materials you can buy. So, when you find yourself frustrated because you can’t build what you want to with the provided equipment, think about what kind of piece you need and how you might be able to produce that through 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC-machining, etc.

This is a 3 hour lab.

We’re putting the lab and dicussion time together today so that we have enough time to get through all the teams.

Power Tool Training (20 min)

At some point during the lab, Justin will bring your team over to the power tools to train each of you on the different machines that we have. Everyone will use the drill press to drill a hole in a piece of PVC pipe and cut piece of wood on the band saw. This way, everyone can get a feel for how our particular power tools work.

Preliminary Design Review (30 min)

At some point during lab, your team will be pulled out for your Preliminary Design Review.

Constructing an ROV Concept Vessel (120 min)

To make sure that your ROV design will be able to meet its design objectives and constraints, your team needs to make sure everyone understands that there are differences between what you design in a 3D model and what can actually be built in the real world. Get some experience with building things in the real world by constructing one of the ROV concept vessels that your team submitted to last lab’s Post-Lab assignment:

  1. Get in your ROV team.
  2. Have everyone bring up their documents that they submitted for the previous lab’s Post-Lab assignment – the documents that described their ROV concept vessel.
  3. Compare everyone’s designs and come to a consensus on which design is most promising to build in this lab (remember: this is NOT the ROV you are going to build for the project… this is just for build practice; so if your ROV concept vessel is not chosen don’t take it personally!).
  4. Generate a parts list for this ROV concept vessel based on the SolidWorks model.
  5. Complete your team’s pre-build checklist:
    • Straight pipe on SolidWorks will have different lengths than what you actually need to cut because of the overlap inside the PVC fittings. Update your parts list accordingly.
    • Determine the order of assembly (i.e. what order do you need to put stuff together in order to cement it together)
    • Determine how you are going to ensure that when you cement pieces of PVC together they are aligned correctly (e.g. connectors on either end of a pipe are straight, etc.).
  6. STOP. Get approval from your IA on your parts list and pre-build checklist.
  7. After you get approval, note your ROV concept vessel’s overall height, length, and width.
  8. Determine who is going to make/obtain what parts. Make sure everyone will get a chance to do all the different types of build actions (cutting, cementing, aligning, etc.).
  9. Make/obtain parts; you do NOT need to drill holes in the PVC for this vessel.
  10. Dry fit components; make changes if needed.
  11. Assemble ROV concept vessel using PVC cement.
  12. Measure the overall height, length, and width of your assembled ROV concept vessel. Compare to the dimensions of your design that you started with.
  13. Take a picture of the ROV concept vessel (always document your work!); share it with the team.
  14. Someone can take the ROV concept vessel home.


Reflect on these questions and be ready to answer them on the Post-Lab assignment:

Lab 6: ROV Plan & Prep


Before Lab
During Lab
After Lab


Now that we have started the ROV project, there are no formal lab instructions for the rest of the semester. Instead, we’ll list some guidelines for each of the ROV labs so that you can compare your team’s progress with where you generally should be each week.

These are guidelines, not rules. If your team is running a little bit ahead or behind these checkpoints/suggested actions, that is totally fine. However, if you find that you’re consistently behind or behind by more than a week, get to Open Lab and get caught up!

ROV Plan Checklist

To get approval to build your ROV, your team needs to pass this checklist and get approval from Justin and your IA.

Lab 7: ROV Build


Before Lab
During Lab
After Lab


This is a 3 hour lab.

We’re putting the lab and dicussion time together today to give you extra build time. We know we’re on a super-compressed timeline this semester!

Measuring the Thrust Provided By Your Thrusters

A thrust stand is set up at the testing tank in lab. This stand will allow you to test each of your ROV thrusters in both the forward and backward direction to get their actual measured thrust. You can then use these measurements to help you decide where to place your thrusters on your ROV.


  1. Power supply set to exactly 12.00V to power load cell
  2. Load cell
  3. 12V SLA battery
  4. 3 DVMs, one for battery voltage, one for batter current, one to read load cell. 5 – Lever arm with bearing
  5. Optical table and hardware to mount load cell
  6. Wire for tension hookup
  7. Clamp for thrust arm bearing.

Fig and Fig show what the thrust stand looks like.

Power supply and meter setup.
Thrust arm setup.

Follow these directions to measure the thrust of one of your thrusters:

  1. Attach a thruster to the metal end of the arm with a cable tie through the marked holes.
    Thruster attachment
  2. Install the thrust arm on the bearing. Make sure bearing is lubricated.
    Sleeve and bearing shaft
    Slide arm onto bearing
    Connect wire harness from load cell to hook
  3. Plug the thruster in and connect the battery to power the thruster, read load cell voltage, battery voltage and battery current.
  4. To read reverse thrust, remove and reverse thrust arm, connect battery with leads reversed to reverse direction of motor rotation and read voltages and current.
    Thruster arm reverse direction
    Reverse battery leads for reverse test

For Fall 2019, the load cell calibration equation is:

$N$ = -57.1354 + 52.84 $V$

where $N$ = newtons and V = volts (not millivolts!)

Lever arm length pivot to thruster = 37.8 cm
Lever arm length pivot to load cell = 12.7 cm

Note that the thruster is producing a thrust which is the load cell force times the ratio of upper lever arm to the lower level arm.

Lab 8: Critical Design Review


Before Lab
During Lab
After Lab


This is a 3 hour lab.

We’re putting the lab and dicussion time together today so that we have enough time to get through all the teams.

Project Gate: If you have custom code, it must be verified to work in the 108 GFL lab by the end of this lab or you will not be allowed to use that custom code at the MHL Performance Evaluation.

Critical Design Review (30 min)

At some point during lab, your team will be pulled out for your Critical Design Review.

ROV Build and Test (120 min)

This is your last big chunk of lab time to work on your ROV and make sure it’s ready for the performance evaluation next week at the MHL. There will NOT be time to work on your ROV at the MHL, so ideally, you want your ROV to be completely functional by the end of lab. We will have some open lab time before we have to take the ROVs to the MHL, but you should think of those as absolute emergency times to fix something that catastrophically broke.

Lab 9: ROV Performance Evaluation at MHL


Before Lab
During Lab
After Lab


This is a 3 hour lab.

Go the Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory on Central Campus for this lab.

Lab 10: Post-Performance Evaluation Data Gathering


Before Lab
During Lab
After Lab


Lab 11: Dress Rehearsal for Prototype Review Presentation to Client


Before Lab
During Lab
After Lab


A dress rehearsal is a performance that is the “real thing” except that the expected audience isn’t there. It’s a chance for the performers to practice everything ahead of time and build confidence for the actual performance. A dress rehearsal might have no audience at all, or the audience might be a group of people who have no expectations of quality so that the performers can be in front of people but not be stressed about the audience’s reaction. For example, a local high school’s theater group invites students from the nearby elementary school to their dress rehearsals. The elementary school kids get to see a free play, and the high school students get to practice in front of a bunch of people knowing that the little kids will be happy no matter what happens!

A team presentation, as you’ve experienced in this class, is absolutely a performance. We want all of you to feel as confident as you can going into your final presentation. This dress rehearsal will also serve as an internal deadline for your team so that you have your final presentation slides done with enough time to get feedback on your presentation and make revisions before you do the “real thing”.

We also want you all to continue getting experience giving useful feedback to your peers; this is a crucial engineering skill. So, each team will give their presentation and also watch another presentation.

We will bring two teams at a time to do their dress rehearsals for the final presentation. Each team will give their presentation and provide feedback on the other team’s presentation.

The remainder of the time in lab is yours to use as needed so that you can complete your project deliverables on time.

Lab 12: ROV Tear Down & Finish Documentation


Before Lab
During Lab
  • Go through cost audit
After Lab


Lab 13: Work Time for Final Deliverables


Before Lab
During Lab
After Lab


This time is yours to work with your team to finish up the remaining ROV project assignments.