ENGR 100-600 | University of Michigan
ROV Showcase Procedures
ENGR 100-600 WINTER 2024
Friday, April 5, 2024
- Submit your official cost budget spreadsheet(s) to Canvas before 11:59pm. Please submit your spreadsheet using the format
- Submit your Prototype Presentation to Client to Canvas before 11:59pm.
Saturday, April 6, 2024 - ROV Showcase
There are two parts to the showcase: the presentation and the riser inspection task. The riser inspection is the final test for your ROV. Time slots are in the Presentation Time Slots section of this document.
Have family or friends that want to watch the showcase? Send them the link to the live-streaming MHL cameras!
The presentations are in the conference room at the MHL; arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled time slot begins. Enter the MHL from the door inside the Engineering Arch off the southeast side of the Diag (Figure 1).
Robin and/or Mariel and/or someone will be waiting for you in the lobby of the MHL in case your MCard does not let you swipe into West Hall (if they’re not there, just wait a couple minutes; they might be running people back to the conference room, or the presentations before you might have run long). You do not need to dress up for the showcase, but you can dress up if you feel that it will help your presentation.
During your presentation time slot, you will give your presentation along with a Q&A session. You will watch one other presentation and give feedback on the other team’s presentation.
After the presentations are over, you can change clothes before you do the riser inspection task (if you want to change your clothes).
Presentation Time Slots
Slot # | Teams | Arrival Time | Presentation Time | Testing Time |
1 | Swell and Jeju | 9:00am | 9:10am -- 10:00am | 10:00am -- 11:00am |
2 | Molokai and Vitamin Sea | 10:00am | 10:10am -- 11:00am | 11:00am -- 12:00pm |
3 | Hammerheads and Netrani | 11:30am | 11:40am -- 12:30pm | 12:30pm -- 1:30pm |
4 | Sonneti and Humuhumunukunukuapua'a | 12:30pm | 12:40pm -- 1:30pm | 1:30pm -- 2:30pm |
5 | Mako and P.H.I.S.H. | 1:30pm | 1:40pm -- 2:30pm | 2:30pm -- 3:30pm |
When the presentations for your time slot are over, Robin and Mariel will dismiss you. Gather all your belongings and go down the hall to where the ROVs are.
Laura and the IAs will be in the testing area. Wait until your team is called to set up. Once your team is called, pick up your bin and bring it to where you are told to set up. DO NOT BEGIN ASSEMBLY YET. KEEP THE LID ON YOUR BIN.
Timing Schedule
- Each team will be given a payload with a fresh battery and a video monitor.
- Once you receive your payload, you will have 5 minutes to prepare your ROV for deployment. You do not need to use all 5 minutes if you don’t need it.
- An IA or Justin must verify the payload installation and tether before the ROV may be lowered into the water.
- Make sure you do not pull on the wires coming out of the payload!!
- If you are not ready at the end of the 5 minutes, you can keep setting up, but your 30 minutes of testing time will start.
- When you are ready to go into the water, tell an IA that you are ready to compete.
- The IA will take you to one of the testing stations.
- You will have 30 minutes to complete the ROV riser inspection task (minus any time that you used for set up).
- Once the task is completed, you have 2 minutes to recover your ROV and exit the carriage/subcarriage.
- Once you are finished, bring your ROV to the cost audit table.
Rules for Operation
- When operating the ROV, the driver may use both the video monitor and look at their ROV in the water.
- Teams must stay on the carriage/subcarriage.
- No ENGR 100 students may walk down the rails.
- You must use the system as provided and in the spirit of the showcase, so you must do all operations in real time. In other words, you may not take photos of the monitor to post-process data.
Official Riser Inspection Test
- An IA or designated alternate will be the official timekeeper.
- The riser inspection test will begin when the timer says “go” and the ROV is at the carriage/subcarriage (similar to the speed measurement test).
- You will be given a list of sectors to check. Your test ends when you have checked all sectors correctly and your ROV returns to the starting position.
- After you complete an inspection run, have a team member take your data sheet to the audit table. An IA there will check your damage report. If there are any sectors that have incorrectly reported damage, return to your ROV and go re-check those sectors.
- Each time your ROV returns to the starting line, your time will stop. If you need to go back out to re-check your sectors, the time will start and will add on to your total time.
- Notes on things that might happen during the official riser inspection test:
- If, during your trial, your tether is caught on something (e.g. the platform legs), an IA will help you untangle your ROV with the pole hooks.
- Your timer will continue to run, so TRY TO AVOID GETTING TANGLED.
- If the payload stops during operation, the timer will stop and an IA will fish your ROV out. Time will restart when you are back in the water.
- If your ROV fails in a way that is not due to the provided equipment (e.g. a thruster falls off, all your buoyancy falls off, etc.) and your ROV needs to be rescued, your team will be assessed a “salvage penalty” of +$200 on your cost audit.
- Lost wireless connections do not count as this kind of failure
- If, during your trial, your tether is caught on something (e.g. the platform legs), an IA will help you untangle your ROV with the pole hooks.
- Once you have completed a successful trial, your run is over. Bring your ROV to the cost audit table where an IA will check your ROV.
Post-Time Trial Cost Audit
- After your riser inspection test, you will bring your ROV back to the setup area, remove the payload, dry off the ROV, and return the payload and video equipment to Justin. Then bring your ROV (including anything you removed such as zip ties and bolts) to the designated Audit area to have your cost budget audited by a designated judge. The judge will check all quantities listed on your cost budget.
- If you are found to be inaccurate, you will be disqualified for consideration of overall cost and the overall best ROV across all categories.
- This includes a disqualification for using “extra” materials that were not pre-approved by Laura.
- After the audit is complete, place your ROV back into your team bin, clean up your workstation, and wait for Laura to dismiss you.
- Contact the nearest IA or Justin for any technical problems or if a ROV is stuck in the water.
- Contact Laura for any judging/rules problems.
Schematic of ROV Target Platform
Potential types of damage:
- Wall thinning (message with “ultrasound failed – thickness == XXX”)
- Cracking
- Microbio infestations
- Corrosion (general)
- Nothing! (all is good)
- Holes
- Fishing hook