ENGR 100-600 | University of Michigan

ROV Deliverables

This document describes all of the assignments that are directly connected to the ROV project. If you have any questions, about anything at all, please post them to Piazza or ask them in class. We want this document to be as clear as possible!

All of these assignments serve two purposes. There’s an educational purpose, since this is a course in which you are supposed to be learning stuff about engineering. There’s also a real-world purpose, since we’re also trying to frame this course as an experience that you might have at an internship in real life. We hope that you find value in both purposes for each assignment.

General Quality Checks for Deliverables

We expect that the overall quality of your work will improve as we go through the semester: that’s what all this practice is for! However, there are some basic quality checks that we’re looking for in each one of your deliverables. Follow the quality checks listed below to help you (and your team!) produce excellent technical communication.

Quality of Presentations

At a minimum, we expect that every presentation will meet these quality checks:

Quality of Written Reports

At a minimum, we expect that every written report will meet these quality checks:


Individual Design Proposal

Purpose of the Assignment

This assignment’s educational purpose is to give you a chance to practice interpreting a genre (something called a quad chart) and with writing an informal report (in this case a memo). You may or may not ever create these specific types of documents once you leave U-M, and that’s okay. We just need technical communication genres that have specific characteristics. For the memo, we wanted a documentation type that has the basic components of an informal report:

This assignment’s real-world purpose is to give everyone on your forthcoming ROV team a chance to think about and document their ideas for the ROV. Brainstorming ideas, sometimes called idea generation, is a crucial part of design, but not everyone thinks of ideas “in the moment”. Sometimes those good ideas come to you later on… on a walk, or in the shower, or thinking about something else entirely. Some people can quickly draw a diagram of their idea or explain it clearly in words as they are coming up with the idea, but that’s not most people. Most people need at least a little bit of time to figure out how to convey the idea they have in their head to other people so that the other people can clearly understand their idea.

This individual design proposal gives everyone a chance to think about an ROV design and to have some time to document that design in text, bullet points, diagrams, and whatever else you can think of. This way, when your ROV team meets for the first time, you already have many interesting starting points on your ROV design, and everyone has something to talk about!


GFL has contracted with LakePowerGen for a wireless, easily transportable ROV for rapid deployment in offshore situations. As you know, GFL has the resources to produce an outstanding prototype, including in-lab materials, a testing facility, and machines for customizing parts; however, time is short for a complex project like this. Therefore, we are requesting individuals to propose ROV designs that a team could build and test (and present to LakePowerGen). The goal is to excel in this lucrative contract, though establishing a relationship with this company and breaking into the offshore wind farm industry with an ROV inspection system are also important.

You will submit an individual ROV design proposal, including sketches of the design and spelling out the rationale behind your design decisions, to your Division Head. You will want to base your design on the research you conduct so that your Division Head knows that you know what you’re talking about. You should know about ROVs “in the real world” and how your design will be similar and/or different, and why.


This individual design proposal will be submitted using the memo format.

You MUST use one of the templates for the individual design proposal.

Using the template doesn’t mean that you’re “cheating” or “not being creative”. We’re looking for specific formatting and organization, and the template is a tool for you to use… so please use it!

Here are the requirements for the individual desing proposal memo:

A Note About Figures

Our preference for diagrams is that they are made electronically, whether through “cartoons” in Powerpoint, using a program like Excalidraw, or later on using a 3D modeling program (CAD model).

However, we’re still pretty early in this class, so for this deliverable, hand-drawn images of your ROV design will be accepted if they are exceptionally well done. A hastily-drawn sketch on lined paper, poorly photographed, will NOT be accepted. IDPs with poor figures will be marked with a zero.

This might look like a LOT of stuff you have to write: we promise it’s not actually that bad! The absolute best thing about technical communication is that it almost writes itself! Once you have a really good outline, like the one above, you just need to go and “fill in all the blanks”. If you look at the template for the Individual Design Proposal, you’ll see that a lot of the set up work has been done for you. We want you to focus on creating your design, making some really good visuals to show your design, and writing down your justification for your design. And, of course, in practicing using a template!

Advice From Your Instructors

The overall purpose of the individual proposal is to clearly present a well-thought-out idea for an ROV, to your “boss” and team, for feedback and consideration. To do a good job with that, you need to do a few things:


Please submit your individual proposal (no more than five pages of design description and rationale, but including a quad chart as an appendix) as a memo addressed to your Division Head (Lyn, Jack, Ian, or Molly) in .pdf format. We expect that your entire file will be about 6-7 pages long:

You will present your plan to your peer team in class, so you have multiple audiences you should consider as you write this proposal.


Preliminary Design Review

Purpose of the Assignment

This assignment’s educational purpose is to serve as the first thing your team creates together so that your team has a reason to meet early in the project and start to communicate with each other. It’s also the beginning of documenting your team’s work. Throughout the semester, you will see how each assignment “evolves” from one level to the next.

This assignment’s real-world purpose is to mimic the type of weekly check-in meeting that a team would have with their project manager/supervisor. A good project manager gives a team time and space to develop their ideas and, you know, actually get work done. But a good project manager also checks in with their teams on a regular basis, both to stay up-to-date on the progress of the project and to give the team a chance to get advice and feedback on their ideas, issues, and plans.


GFL has requested that each of their internal design teams create a prototype ROV for LakePowerGen. This is an informal, early stage meeting where you and your team can present the two or three designs that you are considering for your ROV. It is also an opportunity for you to meet with GFL’s partners to ask questions and get feedback on your team’s ideas for your ROV.


This preliminary design review is a very informal presentation with an extensive question and answer period. Here are the requirements for the PDR presentation:

Presentation Duration: 5-6 minutes

A Note About Figures

Our preference for diagrams is that they are made electronically, whether through “cartoons” in Powerpoint, using a program like Excalidraw, or later on using a 3D modeling program (CAD model).

However, we know that these are preliminary team designs for ROVs, so for this deliverable, hand-drawn images of your ROV designs will be accepted if they are exceptionally well done. A hastily-drawn sketch on lined paper, poorly photographed, will NOT be accepted. Preliminary Design Review Presentations with poor figures will be marked with a zero.

Advice From Your Instructors

We’re not looking for your team to present the “best” designs from your various individual design proposals; that’s not the point of this project. We expect that your team will have looked at all the different individually proposed designs, and any ideas that people have thought of in the meantime, and come up with 2-3 new designs that seem like they will be successful in completing the tasks required for the riser inspection simulation.

This meeting will be most useful to you if you come with specific questions about the designs you are considering. We will do our best to give helpful feedback, but now is your chance to ask us exactly what you want to know!


There is no formal submission of any materials for this meeting. Your team should be ready with your slides before the start of your lab so that you are ready to have a productive meeting with the instructors.


Detailed Design Review

Purpose of the Assignment

This assignment’s educational purpose is to give your team the opportunity to put together your first true presentation that documents your ROV design. We want to give you lots of practice with creating presentations because this is a very common genre in engineering, and let’s face it, there are a lot of bad presentations out there. We don’t want that to be you!

This assignment’s real-world purpose is pretty much what the name of the assignment is. Any project will have many internal design reviews. This detailed design review is the time when your team presents a complete design proposal for feedback. By complete we don’t mean the ROV is actually done. Complete in this sense means that your team has a complete plan: you’ve come to a consensus on the entire ROV design, including all subsystems, and the general timeline of the project’s ultimate completion. Now you’re ready to get feedback on this plan: Does the design seem feasible? Does the timeline seem reasonable? Have you forgotten anything? It’s a lot easier to make adjustments to your design and timeline now than it will be later in the project timeline.


The standard GFL project progression includes a Detailed Design Review (DDR) once a team comes to consensus on their design. This DDR provides the team with the opportunity to present their design to one or more experienced engineers, designers, project managers, fabricators, etc. to get initial feedback on their proposed design. The team presents their design in enough detail that their audience can provide useful advice on the challenging parts of the design and/or any design considerations that the team hasn’t yet addressed. The DDR is meant to help the team strengthen their design and should result in a more efficient, robust, and cost effective prototype ROV.


This detailed design review is a formal presentation given to a varied audience. This presentation introduces your team’s ROV design for the first time. Here are the requirements for the DDR presentation:

Presentation Duration: 15 minutes

Advice From Your Instructors

This presentation is meant to encourage an honest discussion with the experts that you talk to during the Detailed Design Review. Therefore, you want to include as much detail as you can on your ROV design. If there are still a few small, open questions, that’s okay! Just make sure that you make it obvious that those decisions will be made in, say, the next week.

The hard part about having an honest discussion about your design is that people will ask you direct questions about your design: Why did you put the thruster here instead of here? Why didn’t you put the payload here? That coefficient of drag doesn’t seem right… These types of questions can (and often do) feel like personal attacks, even though they are not intended to be! You’ve spent a lot of time and effort coming up with this ROV design, and when we spend a lot of time on something, we really want everyone to tell us how wonderful and amazing and perfect that thing is. But we also need to make sure this design is the best that it can be, and no design is perfect in the beginning.

To prepare yourself for both the presentation and the Q&A session afterwards, remind yourself that the goal is to have a better, more feasible ROV design on the other side of this Detailed Design Review. Keep these things in mind:

Your design reviewers are not mean people! We promise. But they may get excited. And high emotions like excitement may come off strangely sometimes. If you’re not sure what your reviewers are talking, ask them questions! They are all very happy to be coming to class and seeing what you have planned!


Your team should submit a .pdf copy of your DDR slides to Canvas. Only one person needs to submit the .pdf, but everyone is responsible for making sure that the file is submitted on time! After someone submits the file, everyone else should make sure that the file uploaded correctly. You will receive feedback during the DDR itself, but you will also get feedback in Canvas about your ROV design and on the quality of the presentation slides themselves.


Critical Design Review: Presentation

Purpose of the Assignment

This assignment’s educational purpose is for your team to practice giving a presentation in which you are beginning to be the expert: this is your design and you know it best. It’s time to describe where you’re at in building the ROV and that you are going to be ready for the performance review.

This assignment’s real-world purpose is somewhat similar. You will, at times, be required to give a formal presentation to a group of people as part of various types of “update” meetings: quarterly reviews, end-of-the-month meetings, critical design reviews, and so on. A Critical Design Review (CDR) is real thing. Different companies may interpret the CDR in slightly different ways, but the focus is always about presenting the final version of the design and showing that it can be completed to the required specifications, on time, and on budget.


The standard GFL project progression includes a Critical Design Review (CDR) before a team is allowed to continue with the project. The CDR is partly to keep the design team on track for successful completion – we all do better when we have some internal deadlines before the Real Actual Deadline. The CDR is also partly to protect GFL’s investment – if a team is sufficiently behind schedule, then it would make sense for the GFL partners to step in at that point and either redirect the team’s resources to something else or to perhaps take more extreme measures. The CDR presentation is your team’s chance to present your work thus far to your supervisors and to talk with them in-person.


This critical design review is a somewhat formal presentation given to your “bosses” to update them on the progress of your project. Here are the requirements for the CDR presentation:

Presentation Duration: 15 minutes

Advice From Your Instructors

You should be able to evolve your slides from the DDR presentation here, but you will have a lot of updating to do! Your ROV should be nearly complete by the time of this presentation, so you should be able to have some pictures of at least some of the components (frame, controller, etc.). You should also update your 3D model so that it matches what you actually built, since you likely made some changes as you started to build your ROV.

We strongly recommend that you try to do a really good job on this presentation because it will give you a better starting point to then evolve the slides again into your final presentation, the Final Presentation to Client. Yes, apparently design review presentations are Pokémon.


Your team should submit a .pdf copy of your CDR slides to Canvas. Only one person needs to submit the .pdf, but everyone is responsible for making sure that the file is submitted on time! After someone submits the file, everyone else should make sure that the file uploaded correctly. You will receive feedback in Canvas about your CDR presentation.


Critical Design Review: Report

Purpose of the Assignment

This assignment’s educational purpose is to assess your skill in writing a collaborative, comprehensive informal report. The format of this informal report is a memo for this course, so that’s what we will use. Remember that informal does not mean incomplete! We expect that all parts of this report will be completed and polished.

This assignment’s real-world purpose is to parallel the type of internal report writing that you will do in a future job. A lot of companies, especially larger companies, require a level of reporting that isn’t quite as formal as a client-facing report (such as what you will do later in the course), but is still a well-written and complete report. This type of assignment will give you practice in this kind of technical communication.


The Critical Design Review (CDR) report is a companion piece to the Critical Design Review presentation. The presentation is wonderful for its in-person interaction, but the limited amount of time per presentation means that your team will necessarily need to leave out some of details of your design and the work/testing that has been completed to date. The CDR report is where your team presents its full design in detail along with all documentation of testing, calculations, and performance predictions.


This CDR report will be submitted using the memo format.

You MUST use one of the CDR report templates for the CDR report.

Remember: We want you to use the template! Using the template doesn’t mean that you’re “cheating” or “not being creative”. We’re looking for specific formatting and organization, and the template is a tool for you to use… so please use it!

The CDR report template is not as detailed as the IDP template was; that’s on purpose so that you can get more experience with setting up your own outline of sections and section headers. Here are the requirements for the CDR report:

Advice From Your Instructors

If you do a good job on this report, your team will be able to re-use a lot of the content for your final report, the Final Report to Executive Team. Re-using your content, which is totally fine since your team wrote it all, will make writing the final report a lot easier and less time-consuming. The end of the semester is usually even more crazy than when you’re writing this Critical Design Report, so put in the time now so that you and your team will have an easier time later at the end of the semester.

Your instructors truly and deeply want you to get a good grade on this assignment! We also hate grading but absolutely love giving feedback before the deadline. So, if you share your drafts with us and ask us to look at specific things, we will be super excited to look at what you have and tell you what we think. Then, you can address the feedback before you submit your report and get a better grade! Please remember that we are very busy, so if you want useful feedback, ask specific questions! Here are some examples of good questions to tag us with in comments:

These are specific items we can jump into your report, take a look, and give you quick feedback on. If you ask us, “can u pls read our report”, we will probably ignore that request. :)


Your team should submit a .pdf copy of your CDR report to Canvas. Only one person needs to submit the .pdf, but everyone is responsible for making sure that the file is submitted on time! After someone submits the file, everyone else should make sure that the file uploaded correctly. You will receive feedback in Canvas about your CDR report.


Final Presentation to Client

Purpose of the Assignment

This assignment’s educational purpose is the summative assessment of your team’s skills in giving a presentation, including the design and execution of the slides and your delivery of the presentation itself. Your team will be evaluated on its skills in giving a formal presentation to a large audience. Most people would consider a large audience to be around 50 people or so; in this case, it will be a presentation you give in front of our entire class in lecture. Giving a formal presentation is different than giving an informal presentation, and engineers need to be familiar with both styles of presenting.

This assignment’s real-world purpose is to give you experience in presenting to a mixed audience, including peers, experts, and external audience member who you do not know well, such as an industry sponsor or client of the company. It’s one thing to present to your teammates and project manager, who you presumably know well and feel comfortable with. It’s another thing to talk about the work that you being paid to do by a client,and who might cancel the contract if you’re not doing the work well! A good presentation gives your client confidence in your ability to satisfactorily complete the project.


GFL has arranged for all of the teams to present their work to the company and invited guests. This will be a formal presentation. The audience will consist of at least one of the GFL partners, invited guests, and one other ROV team. There will be approximately 10 people in the audience.


This final presentation is a formal presentation given to your “bosses” as well as your client. Here are the requirements for the final presentation:

Presentation Duration: 15 minutes

Advice From Your Instructors

You should be able to adapt a lot of your slides from your CDR presentation for this presentation. However! Make sure that you fully update all the slides with the latest versions of:

These sections will be new:

You will have feedback from us on your CDR presentation in Canvas. Make sure to address all this feedback as you evolve your CDR slides to this final presentation to the client.

Presenting in front of a large audience can be scary! Presenting as a team, with multiple people doing the talking, can also be nerve-wracking. The best thing you can do to prepare is to rehearse your presentation several times before you actually give it. This means completing your slides ahead of time and then meeting as a group several times so that you can practice the presentation, including timing and hand-offs (when one person stops talking and another person takes over).

You will do a dress rehearsal of this presentation during lab so that your team has at least one chance to rehearse the presentation before you give it to the whole class. You can do additional rehearsals on your own and with your IA and/or peer mentor. All of these people will be excited to help you rehearse and revise your presentation so that you will be as comfortable as you can when you give the presentation to the class!


Your team should submit a .pdf copy of your Final Presentation to Client slides to Canvas. Only one person needs to submit the .pdf, but everyone is responsible for making sure that the file is submitted on time! After someone submits the file, everyone else should make sure that the file uploaded correctly. You will receive feedback in Canvas about your presentation.


Innovation Video

Purpose of the Assignment

This assignment’s educational purpose is to assess your skill in communicating clearly and concisely about an individual part of your overall design. You should be able to connect the individual part to the ROV as a whole but keep the focus on the individual part. It’s easy to talk for 20 minutes about something you did; it’s a lot harder to talk for only 2 minutes!

This assignment’s real-world purpose is to give you practice in applying your technical communication skills to a different genre than presentations and reports. Technical communication is truly about communicating and there are many ways to communicate. Real-world communication happens in many different ways! You may also find yourself in a situation where you, or your company, are looking for investment/funding for a new product or service. Videos, “elevator pitches”, and all forms of engaging content are often how new companies get started.

There’s also a third purpose to this assignment. We wanted a fun and unique way to end the semester and celebrate all of the teams’ hard work and ingenuity this semester. Watching the innovation videos on the last day of class is truly the highlight of the entire semester for your instructors, and we hope you will enjoy the videos as well!


Your team must make a video that details your ROV’s custom part and its role in your ROV system, with particular focus on the improvement it makes to performance. Your goals are to:

  1. Describe your custom part clearly in terms that your audience will understand and
  2. Convince your audience that the labor and expense involved in producing the custom part is worthwhile.

At the end of the semester, we’ll all put on our “angel investor” hats. We’ll watch the videos and vote with our pretend money.

Each video must include a list of credits at the end and must be accompanied by supplemental production materials (details below).

You have access to the Personal Studio through Groundworks in the Duderstadt Center, which also includes tools for editing. You are not required to use the Personal Studio, but it may make collaboration easier and the process more intuitive for those of you who don’t have any previous experience making and editing videos. If you want to make a different style of video, there are also a million apps for that. Besides iMovie (which also comes in a mobile version that’s easier to use, but only applies to iOS users), some alternatives are Splice, Magisto, and Stikbot for stop-motion videos. Don’t underestimate Instagram for time-lapse videos!

You can also refer to Ryan Wilcox’s Pocket Production YouTube series for advice on framing shots, lighting, sound recording, and a bunch of other things.

For this assignment, think something like a Kickstarter introduction video. Note that these took a lot of money and a lot of time to produce; we’re not expecting you to have this level of sophistication. We do think it’s useful, though, to think about the sorts of design decisions made here. Here are a variety of examples:

Important! This is not to suggest that these videos are all perfect!

Your group will make your own decisions about the tone and styling. Whether you use text, music, actors, or multiple camera angles is up to you. We just want to see you being really intentional about how you want to present your group and your group’s custom part (think ethos and logos).

Use the medium to your advantage. What will a video detailing your custom part allow you to do that a slide presentation doesn’t?


This innovation video is much more open-ended than the presentations or reports in terms of a format/template. We strongly encourage teams to be creative in their innovation videos! Here are the general requirements for the innovation video:

Advice From Your Instructors

Sometimes, a well-conceived and well-edited video is shorter than a bumbling single take; that’s okay. But nor do we want you to spend hours and hours with your editing; that’s not the point of this assignment. We’re looking for you to find a nice balance between “let’s edit out this out-of-focus part of the video” and “eh, that’s good enough!” If you have any questions at all just ask!!

There are many good ways to go about this innovation video. Some teams have done videos similar to what you might see on reality shows where people pitch their ideas to investors to try to win money. Some teams have done documentary-style videos with serious voice-overs. Some teams have done parodies of movies and tv shows. It’s completely up to you and your team! The presentations and reports that we do in this class are pretty formal with a good amount of rules to them; that’s just how it’s gotta be. For this assignment, we really want you to let your creativity shine! If you’re stuck on what kind of video to do, ask us and we can help you figure something out!


Have someone on your team upload your innovation video to YouTube and set it to be “unlisted”. We recommend disabling comments, but you can leave them enabled if you really want to. Everyone on your team should have access to YouTube via your U-M google account. Setting the video to be “unlisted” means that we (your instructors) will be able to view it for grading and showing in class, but it will not be publicly available. Do not mark the video as “for kids” because then we can’t add it to a playlist for the last day of class.

Create a document with the following:

There is no particular format for this document, just make sure we can understand all the different parts. Save this document as a .pdf (making sure the link to your video works or that we have the full URL).

Your team should submit this .pdf to Canvas. Only one person needs to submit the .pdf, but everyone is responsible for making sure that the file is submitted on time! After someone submits the file, everyone else should make sure that the file uploaded correctly. You will receive feedback in Canvas about your innovation video and supplementary materials.


Final Report to Executive Team

Purpose of the Assignment

This assignment’s educational purpose is the summative assessement of your team’s skills in producing a final report, including the organization of the report, the quality of the writing and visuals, and the quality of the calculations and rationale.

This assignment’s real-world purpose is to give you experience in creating a formal report. Different companies use different formats for reports, but the ability to formally document your work in a written document is crucial for any engineer. If you do a good job with this report, you can use it as “evidence” of your communication skills when interviewing for internships!


GFL is wrapping up the contract with LakePowerGen to produce ROV prototypes for their anticipated new ventures with Lake Michigan-based offshore wind farms. The final deliverable in the Statement of Work is a final report, to be delivered to the client, documenting the ROV prototype and evaluting its performance in testing and at the ROV Showcase. This will be a full, formal final report.


This final report will be submitted using the formal report format.

You MUST use one of the generic formal report templates for the final report.

Remember: Using the template doesn’t mean that you’re “cheating” or “not being creative”. We’re looking for specific formatting and organization, and the template is a tool for you to use… so please use it!

Here are the requirements for the final report:

Make Use of Your Critical Design Review Report!

If you correctly used the memo template for your CDR report, then you should be able to copy and paste a lot of what you have in that report to use in this final report. And if you didn’t use the memo template correctly… well, you should still be able to copy and paste a lot of stuff! Just keep an eye on your formatting and use the styles correctly!

Advice From Your Instructors

This is going to be a fairly in-depth report that will take the combined effort of everyone on your team to complete. We recommend that your team get a full and complete draft done well before the deadline so that you can get feedback on your report from your peer mentor, IA, and the instructors.

Remember, we hate grading, and we love to give feedback before deadlines! We’ll have some work time during lecture where your team can work on this report before it’s due. It’s easy to ask us questions during this time!


Your team should submit a .pdf copy of your Final Report to Executive Team to Canvas. Only one person needs to submit the .pdf, but everyone is responsible for making sure that the file is submitted on time! After someone submits the file, everyone else should make sure that the file uploaded correctly. You will receive feedback in Canvas about your report.