Professor Office Hours

Office Hours with Prof. Alford

If these times don't work for you, just send me an email with some times that work for you. I'm sure we can figure something out!

Tuesday and Thursday after lecture

Wherever we end up talking

Friday 12:30-1:00pm

B521 Pierpont (go to the little room that's inside the ENGR 101 office hours room)

Office Hours with Prof. Fowler

I am available at these times and by appointment. So, if these times don't work for you, please email me!

Thursday 10-11 am

5114 Engineering Research Building (ERB)

Office Hours with Prof. Hibbard

I am available at these times and via Zoom by appointment. So, if these times don't work for you, please email me!

Tuesday 11am-12pm

5109 Engineering Research Building (ERB)

IA Office Hours

Office Hours with Lyn

I teach the Monday 2:30pm lab, but everyone is welcome!

Tuesday 10:30-11:30am

108 GFL

Office Hours with Molly

I teach the Tuesday 2:30pm lab, but everyone is welcome!

Tuesday 4:30-5:30pm

108 GFL

Office Hours with Jack

I teach the Wednesday 10:30am lab, but everyone is welcome!

Monday 4:30-5:30pm

108 GFL

Office Hours with Ian

I teach the Wednesday 2:30pm lab, but everyone is welcome!

Monday 12:30-1:30pm

108 GFL

Office Hours with Sakthi

I'm the "swing IA", so I'm not teaching lab this semester, but you'll see me around helping out! Come by and say hi!

Friday 4:00-5:00pm

108 GFL

Course Essentials

All the details

Norms and expectations for "employees" of GFL, Inc., a fictional company that you will pretend to work for in this course.

Meet the course staff!

Reference material for the technical aspects of the course.

Reference material for the communication aspects of the course, including templates for presentations and reports.

The ROV Project

Reference material for the technical aspects of the ROV project.

Description of the ROV project and the tasks your ROV will need to complete.

Detailed descriptions of all of the assignments for the ROV project, including the format of the assignment, what is required for each assignment, and advice on how to do well.

Log in to Onshape using your U-M email address and you will have access to a set of pre-built 3D models of common ROV parts, including the payload canisters, camera, and thrusters. Please use these when creating your 3D model -- it will save you time and frustration! Note: Lab 4 walks you through examples of how to use the parts library!

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a basic ROV Controller. Your team will be able to choose where you want your buttons and switches to go!

This is the standard code that we have for the Arduino board in your ROV controller. Click the heading above to download the code; it is an .ino file that you can open in a text editor. Please read the comments carefully if you are planning to customize your code!

Template for your ROV's total parts list and cost estimation. Make a copy of this worksheet and then complete it with the final parts list for your ROV.

Project Timeline

Feb 3

Individual Design Proposal

Feb 10

Preliminary Design Review

Feb 24

Detailed Design Review

Mar 16

Critical Design Review Presentation

Mar 24

Critical Design Review Report

Apr 4

Final Presentation to Client

Apr 5

ROV Showcase at MHL

Apr 21

Innovation Video

Apr 23

Final Report to Executive Team

Schedule of Topics

Week 1




Assignments Due

No discussion No labs
No lecture
First Day! Design-Build-Test-Communicate

Week 2




Assignments Due

Discussion 1: Intros, audience, emails Lab 1: Orientation & ROVs Homework 1 Due
The ROV Project
Tandem Beginning of Term Survey
The Individual Design Proposal

Week 3




Assignments Due

MLK Day Symposium Events Discussion 2: Memo practice

This material will be done asynchronously as part of Homework 2.
Lab 2: 3D modeling tutorials

This material will be done asynchronously as part of Homework 2.
Introduction to design: objectives and constraints
Homework 2 Due
Tandem Lesson Due
Intro to ROV Hydrodynamics and Controls

Week 4




Assignments Due

Discussion 3: IDP check-in Lab 3: Controls & Hydrodynamics Homework 3 Due
ROVS in the real world, technical prose, visuals
Tandem Lesson Due
Prototyping lessons from industry, hydrodynamic stability

Week 5




Assignments Due

Discussion 4: Combining ideas Lab 4: 3D modeling Homework 4 Due
Individual Design Proposal Due
Meet your team, visuals workshop / CRAP
Tandem Lesson Due
ROV Project Design Reviews
Tandem Team Check Due

Week 6




Assignments Due

Disc/Lab 5: Preliminary Design Review and Construction Techniques

Go to lab at your regular discussion time.
Your team will be pulled out for your PDR meeting.
PDR slides ready at start of your lab Homework 5 Due
ROV Prototype Calculations
Tandem Early Survey Due
Formal technical presentations and the Detailed Design Review
Tandem Team Check Due

Week 7




Assignments Due

Discussion 6: Project planning Lab 6: 3D printing, operating agreements Homework 6 Due
Team communication styles and coming to consensus
Tandem Lesson Due
Audience analysis, collaborative communication, work time with DDR slides

Tandem Team Check Due

Week 8




Assignments Due

Discussion 7: Making a case to Justin and your IA Lab 7: ROV plan and prep Homework 7 Due
Detailed Design Review Slides Due
Detailed Design Review (Formal Presentation) -- 8 Teams
Tandem Lesson Due
Detailed Design Review (Formal Presentation) -- The Other 8 Teams
Tandem Team Check Due

Week 9




Assignments Due

Spring Break!

Week 10




Assignments Due

Discussion 8: The Critical Design Review -- Presentation and Report Lab 8: ROV build Homework 8 Due
ROV Scaling and Handling Risk in Engineering
Tandem Lesson Due
Giving and receiving feedback, worktime with CDR slides
Tandem Team Check Due
Individual Change Recommendation Memo Due

Week 11




Assignments Due

Critical Design Review Slides Due
Disc/Lab 9: Critical Design Review

Go to lab at your regular discussion time.
Your team will be pulled out for its Critical Design Review presentation. The rest of the time is build/test time.
Homework 9 Due
Innovation Videos
Tandem Lesson Due
Overview of MHL testing, the Final Presentation and Report, advanced topics for presentations
Tandem Team Check Due

Week 12




Assignments Due

Disc/Lab 10: ROV testing at GFL

Go to lab at your regular discussion time.
Homework 10 Due
Critical Design Review Report Due
Work time for evolving CDR presentation to final presentation
Tandem Mid-Term Performance Review Due
Work time for ROV deliverables
Tandem Team Check Due

Week 13




Assignments Due

Disc/Lab 11: ROV testing at MHL

Go the MHL in West Hall on Central Campus at your regular discussion time.
Work time for final presentations
Tandem Lesson Due
Review of ROV Showcase rules & logistics, work time for final presentation with a focus on visuals
Tandem Team Check Due
Cost Worksheet Due
Final Presentation to Client Due

Week 14




Assignments Due

Discussion 12: Planning for innovation video Lab 12: Final testing and data gathering
ROV Showcase De-Brief, talking about failure, ethics in creating videos
Tandem Lesson Due
Working meeting: innovation video and final report
Tandem Team Check Due

Week 15




Assignments Due

Discussion 13: Work time for final deliverables Lab 13: ROV tear down and work time for final deliverables Innovation Video Script and Scene Descriptions Due
ABR Workshop
Tandem Lesson Due
Working meeting: innovation video and final report
Tandem Team Check Due

Week 16




Assignments Due

No discussion No lab Innovation Video Due
Course wrap-up and Innovation Videos!
Final Report to Executive Team Due
No lecture, classes are over
Tandem End of Term Feedback Survey Due